Thank you so much for choosing to watch Fallen from the Toy Box! We look forward to the day that we can bring this show to Minnesota to be performed live. But in the meantime, we hope you enjoy our homage to childhood. This performance was filmed at IndyFringe in 2019 by Zach Rosing.
“[Fallen from the Toy Box] is so beautiful, you might get a little verklempt.
Go feel what it’s like to be a kid again.”
We know times are hard in the world right now which is why we’re offering our performance on a Pay What You Can system. If you can’t afford to donate to us, please share our Facebook or YouTube pages; share how much you enjoyed this performance; and/or encourage someone else to buy a MN Fringe button and watch the show. If you can afford to contribute to our work, we have a few ways you can do so!
Patreon: Several Minnesota Fringe folks (including our host!) support our work on a monthly basis on Patreon. This platform offers fans the chance to be a part of our creative process in an ongoing, longterm way.
PayPal: If you would rather do a one-time contribution, our PayPal is the easiest platform for us at this time!
Venmo: We’re also accepting donations via Venmo (yes, it says its going to Greg. That’s on purpose!)
Pay It Forward: We will be donating a portion of our proceeds to the Minnesota based organization, Tru Ruts. Tru Ruts and Catalyst Arts are partnering on numerous community efforts around healing, policy changes, equity work and rebuilding our communities while centering 'art' and BIPOC voices. Donations of support can be sent to or by clicking the links above.
Want to catch our Nightly Fringe live show on Saturday, August 8th at 7:00c? Send us a message or email us at to be included in the live interactive Zoom audience! Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!